Shepherd Place Fire Damage: Other Damage

The Office and Stuff

office heat damage who knows
The top photo shows what happens to a lampshade on a desk, in a self contained room, completely at the other end of the building over a hundred feet from the actual fire. Behind the curtain was a mini-blind, it was completely melted. It's worth noting that even this far from the source of the heat, the ceiling fan blades were melted.

The bottom photo shows another part of the Annex, but the Desk has no idea where it was. And the Desk took the picture!

The official cause of the fire has still not been determined as far as the Desk knows. The building has been declared a total loss as the roof trusses and concrete block walls have sustained both heavy heat and water damage.

If you'd like to make a donation to the Shelter's rebuilding efforts, email the desk for contact information:

Or Visit the Shelter's Web Page at The Shepherd Place

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