The Media Desk on FREESPACE
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So... the Template says the Desk should introduce itself.


That's already done... HERE. There's even a picture.

Other than that. The Desk is the Desk is the Desk.

The Media Desk Main Page is Updated at least Twice a Week.
Winter 2007 updates. The Desk gives its full treatment to the Global Warming Debate

New Original Fiction: The Secret War in Oliphant Furnace

What, 'pray thee tell', is wrong with Ford?

OTHERS friends of the Desk

Teresa's Desk is BRAND NEW with pictures.



"No National Parks were Destroyed in the Writing of this Story"

Also: We Failed- for sale or lease fairly new Mars Base.
Also still posted, Tale of Two Dorms The Desk's Soap Opera.

Lots of New Stuff in the Disclaimer Collection.
Even the COPYRIGHT NOTICE PAGE has been updated!

what else could you want?

The Media Desk's Typing Ape Logo.
The Media Desk main page

2nd email address leftover(at) [address scrambled due to SPAMMER robots]

The Template says it pays to do this... OK. I'll bite.
As soon as the Desk figures out how to participate anyway.

Send Mail To: DrLeftover(at) [email scrambled due to SPAMMER robots]